Saturday, January 8, 2011

IXL at home

This year our Title 1 Department has purchased a great tool for practicing math skills. We will start doing this at school, but luckily for you the kids can access it at home as well. Please read the following information about IXL. If you need usernames or passwords, please contact me.

Your son or daughter has access to IXL at home. IXL is a math website that offers engaging problems, detailed explanations and unlimited practice. This will help your child potentially master thousands of math skills. IXL also offers cool virtual prizes for meeting math challenges, which encourages your child to spend more time practicing math.

1. Go to the website

2. Enter your username and password.

3. Click on the appropriate grade level to view relevant practice skills.

4. Click on a skill to start practicing it.

5. Answer each problem. You will get immediate feedback.

6. Continuing practicing the skill until you get a mastery score of 100.

7. Click on the awards tab to view each skill that is mastered.

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