Monday, May 17, 2010

More Reminders

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Zoo permission slips were due today. If you haven't returned yours, please do it ASAP. We need to order tickets, and need to make sure we have an accurate count. Also, if you still need to pay, please do that as soon as you can.
  • ALL Library books are due back on Friday, May 21st. Any class that has them all in wins a $25 gift card to the bookfair, so please return you books this week.
  • PTC meeting tomorrow, May 18th at 3:45.
This is our last full week of school, so we only have a short time left. Please make sure you are reading at home, and working hard until the very last day. Have a great week!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

I hope everyone had a great and relaxing weekend! The kids worked very hard on their Mother's Day Presents, so I hope you enjoyed them! If you didn't get yours yet, there are some coming home today. I left a small piece at home on Friday, so some kids decided to wait. I apologize! ;)

A few reminders:
  • Please make sure to empty backpacks everyday, and read the MES weekly newsletter coming home today. It's filled with great information!
  • Don't forget to return Zoo permission slips asap.
  • PTC is next Tuesday 5/18 at 3:45.
  • Family Math Night is next Wednesday 5/19 beginning at 6:00
  • We've had a rocky first week transition back to Mrs. Scott, but this morning the kids are doing GREAT! Keep up the hard work kiddos!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Zoo Field Trip

Field trip permission slips came home yesterday, so make sure you check your child's backpack. We are going on Monday June 7th if you'd like to chaperon. The cost is $3 for kids, and $8 for chaperons. Please return your forms as early as possible. Don't forget if you'd like to join us, you must fill out the volunteer forms in the office, and have your background check information current. Thanks!